Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Dear reader, As I entered English 1 I came in with little knowledge, with just the basic information. For example, an essay needed five paragraphs the introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion needed. English has not been the easiest subject for me. I have gone through a lot with my writing skills just because I am not so into the subject. Going into this English class I did not expect so much from it. I thought it would be boring as all my other English classes have been. But this English class with Professor Rowley was entertaining because even though we had a lot of work to do we were able to do class work with friends. Also try new things for example moodle where we would have to turn in our homework in there at a certain time. What I mostly enjoyed about this class was that Professor Rowley would get everyone to participate and join the conversation. I enjoyed that she would try to get students to participate because if the professor spends most of the time talking students doze off especially I would doze off when it is just the professor lecturing. Also when we had to do class work we would be able to work with our classmates make the work easier and also get to know a classmate better. I learned a lot in this class from reading, exercises, and essays we had to do for class. For example the readings I enjoyed this semester would be “Shitty Fist Draft” because it talked about how not every paper you write the first time would be perfect. Also another reading would be “Teacher Who Changed My Life” it is about a young boy who he felt that no one believed in him until he went in to an English class of his and met his teacher that would push him to do what she believes he can do and ended up being close in the end that she attended his wedding. Also things I learned in this class would be how to write my thesis, to write essays about arguments, citing, and how to revise work. What I enjoyed most over all would be writing the essay on feminism arguments. Over all my English 1 class was not what I expected. I expected it to be boring as my usual English classes. But Professor Rowley knows how to entertain the students and to get them involved with the class conversations. Also she always kept reminding us what we had to have done by the next class meeting. Unlike other professors they expect you to write it down but Professor Rowley would send out reminders to all the students. Sincerely, Cecilia Camarena

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